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Main category: Education
Sub category: Language
Developer: Ultralingua
Filesize: 15770
Title: Collins Italian-English Dictionary & Verbs

◑ vers 7.2 Collins Italian-English Dictionary & Verbs

I repeat, $25 for a messy, incomplete and sometimes incorrect app. Not happy.
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Over 95,000 translations • Conjugates thousands of Italian and English verbs • Hundreds of usage notes and examples • No internet connection required
Jan 16, 2019
• Word forms.
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The official online Collins Dictionary contains over 1 million entries, and provides free access to word definitions, translations, and examples. There is also a section where you can play word games, such as crossword puzzles and cryptic crossword puzzles, use their Scrabble Checker, and learn from their top 10 Crossword Tips and top 10 scrabble tips.
About Collins products

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