Suspicious Package v 3.4.1 ✅ how install Sierra

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Suspicious Package vers 3.4.1

With Suspicious Package, you can find out important information about those package files you download. Do you know what files that OS X Installer package actually installs?... Do you know what scripts it runs during installation, and what they do?... Do you know who the package really came from?... Maybe you're quite literally suspicious of a package you've downloaded. Or perhaps you're just curious about what some package does. Or maybe you want to find out after the fact exactly what files a package scattered across your computer. Whatever the reason, Suspicious Package allows you to see inside an installer package. (And it's completely free.)
Suspicious Package is now actually both an OS X application,... and a plug-in for the Quick Look feature of OS X.


on 10.11.6 kGIwD-Suspicious-Package-v-3.6.1.dmg | 5225 KB |

Best on 10.11.5 vers.3.5.1.Suspicious.Package.Yy7.tar.gz | 5547 KB |

Version Sierra vers.5.4.1_Suspicious_Package_ndIwy.tar.gz | 5741 KB |

Some of those related items may not be so obvious to find and locate manually. You could do a web search about the exact components and default locations for Suspicious Package. Experienced users can utilize the Terminal app to seek out and remove app fragments.
Since it does seem sort of paradoxical to download an installer package without viewing what files are contained within it, the devs offer the option to directly place the Suspicious Package plugin in your Library folder. First, download the XIP archive (linked below) and extract the plugin.
About Suspicious Package
About Jeffrey Mincey
I always try to view package contents when I download a file, with something like Pacifist. The other day, doing that installed some malware:
When I downloaded the demo, though, I was a bit surprised to see it was a package installer ( extension). Typically, a package installer is used for system extensions, or other complex installs that have bits that go into many different places.

Best on Mac mini DOO_VER._2.10.1_PYOUWI.DMG [77045 kbytes] 4.7.1

New! version VERS-1.3.1-EASY-FILE-ENCRYPTOR-FOR-MAC-UQVZ.DMG [2449 kbytes] 1.1.1

{6580 kb} Update Suspicious Package vers 3.3.1 1vSB7 3.4.2 Version OS X

{5934 kb} Download uLTztF Suspicious Package v.3.3 3.6.1 Best High Sierra

{5289 kb} Update 1bi7h5 v.3.3.1 Suspicious Package 5.4.1 Version 10.12.6

{7612 kb} App G1Q SUSPICIOUS PACKAGE VER 5.4.1 3.4.3 Featured to MacBook Air

{5354 kb} Software Suspicious Package vers.3.3.2 C69uzN 3.4.3 Best to 10.14.2

{6321 kb} Update 7Qs1 Suspicious Package v 3.3 3.5.1 Mac

{5676 kb} Update v 3.4.5 Suspicious Package TRA4VR 3.3.1 New for 10.11.6
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