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Song-Writer Lite: Write Lyrics lets you write lyrics and record in the same place. The app comes with two premade folders “complete” and “in progress” (you can add more of your own). It also allows you to label sections with verse, chorus, bridge, and so on.
The long-awaited update to Setlists is now here. With an all-new design and tons of new features, Setlists will make you a better performer, both during the gig and at rehearsal.
"tomorrow" Technology Magazine
- user can extend chord library with own chords
forScore doesn’t just support Apple Pencil, it was practically built for it.
Software key 3.9 Music Binder Pro
Prompt for a list selection, a file or folder, a selection from the Touch Bar or from a set of macros.
- New instrument 5-string bass (Bass_5)
Under Books and Tones, click All or Selected to choose what to sync.
Slack is designed for real-time coordination and greatly simplifies communication. Ever have someone miss a rehearsal because they didn’t get the memo? Slack was created so that type of thing doesn’t happen.
Scrivener 3 is now available for macOS and will be a free update for all new Windows customers.
Scrivener | Literature & Latte
New text size options allow increased text size across the editor and clipboard switchers for improved accessibility.
- Performance improvements when using auto-zoom on older iPads
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